The Coalition Wars, also known as the Holy Wars in the Celestial Hegemony and the Visarionic Wars or the Wars of Liberation in Coalition member states were a series of seven wars waged by the various powers, known as the Coalitions, against the fledgling Celestial Hegemony and eventually its allies/satellite states. The Celestial Hegemony was led by Supreme Leader Grand Apostle Arkhan Visarion until his death in 1185, after which the Hegemony was led by Supreme Leader Grand Apostle Kharon Vizirov. The wars ended when a revolution overthrew the monarchy in Cedronia, a main battlefield of the wars. The Coalition Wars are seen as the most important series of wars fought in the continents due to the advances of technology such as the invention of the Airship and armored vehicles and as well the drastic border and regime changes.
The Coalition Wars were:
- War of the First Coalition (1610 – 1618)
- War of the Second Coalition (1619 – 1621)
- War of the Third Coalition (1622 – 1623)
- War of the Fourth Coalition (1625 – 1629)